The permanence of it is the worst thing. That after the first shock, the terrible consuming grief, the community rallying, this one fact is unchangeable. That the initial suffering is only the beginning. That this is your life now, these are the years stretching out before you.
It is a cruel fate that has befallen Phillip Hughes, Sean Abbott, their families, and teammates. The way everything can change in an instant. Something that you have done hundreds of times before, thousands, and then this one time etching a canyon between all that was before and whatever will come next.
To the Hughes family, may you find some comfort in the small things, may you have each other to lean on, may your sleep be deep and dreamless.
To Sean Abbott, may your teammates and the world rally around, showing you this isn’t your fault. May the world tell you over and over again, may it sink in, may you see it as the truth it is. May you keep playing, if you want to.
To the world, may we hold the Hughes, the Abbotts, the entire Australian team, gently in our hands, surrounded with all the love we can muster.
May we keep them there.
Pic: Thanks to @MohanK for paying Phil Hughes the tribute at his home in Mumbai using Kathleen’s bat and ball.