If Ejaz Butt were to be in charge of our history books:
- Brutus did not actually stab Julius Ceaser. Ceaser tripped on a rug and fell on a butter knife that Brutus was holding for the King.
- Jackie Kennedy actually was the second shooter on the grassy knoll.
- Elvis never left the building. He is still hanging out by that dimly lit corner.
- The Jews in ’30s and ’40s Germany committed mass suicide. They were part of a cult and it was just a 9-year long ceremony.
- Maradona cleanly headed that ball in for the goal.
- Radio killed the Video star.
- Two plus Two is most certainly Five.
- You can teach an old dog new tricks.
- Ricky Ponting is the most liked cricketer in the history of the sport.
- Tom Cruise is the sanest person in the world. Well, next only to Mr. Ejaz Butt.